My Best Self Dashboard
(Placeholder page for Ideas)
Login/password protected "dashboard" (one-time payment of $9.95?)
Prominently display Purpose, Values, Goals, etc.
Journal for personal insights
Possibility for daily check-in (1-10 rating) on Well-being, values-based living, "willingness", or user-defined
Identifying/recording emotions: like Moodnotes or Stop, Breathe & Think apps; super helpful for cultivating emotional intelligence/ mindfulness of emotions
Record of MBS questionnaire scores, progress over time, like Seligman's Questionnaire Center but more visual
Allow for norm-based comparisons from our database
Daily record/notes on 21-Day Challenge participation
Visual graphic of modules completed (e.g., content blocks showing progress and completion; 3 pillars of Human Flourishing graphic; maybe stickers, badges, medals as reinforcers for progress). Work toward "MBS" degree.
All data exportable
Settings for reminders