Ongoing Projects


Mindfulness for Humans Online Course

Several studies (Randomized Controlled Trials) examining the Psychological and physiological outcomes of a 15-session online mindfulness Training Curriculum.


Awe and Wonder Study

measuring how awe and wonder practices affect one’s well-being and ability to feel awe.


Embracing Discomfort Study

assessing for the effectiveness of the mBs 101 Embracing Discomfort mini-module in helping people increase their discomfort tolerance.


Attention and Well-being Study

examining the physiological and subjective effects of a brief mindfulness course on attention and well-being.


Sustainable Well-being Intervention for College Students

examined the efficacy of a new online intervention for increasing sustainable well-being in college students.


Online Purpose Intervention

Demonstrated the efficacy of the MBS101 purpose module for improving well-being in the general public.