Awe and Wonder Strategies

Here we offer some practices, adapted from Davis (2021), Paquette (2020), and Keltner (2023) that can help get you started on your awe and wonder journey. There are two separate lists of practices—one set for wonder and another for awe. There is much crossover between the two and both should bring about similar results. These practices may help spark your inner child and open your mind to different ways you can implement awe and wonder in your everyday life. Please remember that these strategies are just some possible ways to cultivate awe and wonder in your life, but feel free to adapt and create practices that work for you.


1. Ponder these questions on wonder. Take this inventory and reflect on your answers…

a. When was the last time you felt surprisingly expansive in heart and mind?

b. When was the last time you were delighted by something ordinary yet beautiful?

c. What activities, things, or ideas help you to pause and be present in the moment?

2. Connect with your Young Genius.

As mentioned before, all children are prone to having wonder embedded in their day-to-day lives. Think back to when you were seven years old. To start, write down your answer to the following prompt:

You are seven years old. You wake up one Monday morning and find out that the school day was canceled. What do you do? Where do you go? Whom do you see?

Now think about if your answer would change at all if you were asked about what you would do today if work or school was canceled. Do your answers differ at all? Would you be trying to catch up on emails at age seven, or get ahead on some assignments? I bet you that your seven-year-old version takes on all possibilities. The sky’s the limit at seven. This can help you tap into your innovative, creative, and enjoyable self. It is in all of us; we just need to bring it out and let it play. Your true genius has the capacity to retrieve childhood at will and intertwine it with you, and as a grownup, you can bring forward your best youthful attributes on your path to fulfillment.

3. Openness Facet Practices.

a. Visit a new place once a month. This can help you change up the routine of your life and open your eyes to new places.

b. Pursue a new hobby. Learn something new that is fun and interests you.

4. Curiosity Facet Practices.

a. What is something you don’t know about? What things interest you to discover more?

b. Make each day a quest. Seek to learn something new each day.

c. What is something you’ve been curious about for a long time? Seek out an answer.

d. Connect your curiosity to what you care about. Maybe that means cooking a new dish, trying a new pitch in baseball, or using paint instead of pastel to create art. Whatever it is, try a new way of doing something you love.

5. Bewilderment Facet Practices.

a. In times of bewilderment, ask yourself these questions: In this confusing time, what would my young genius do? What kind of questions am I curious about that could propel me through bewildering times? What sort of things make me bewildered? How can these things serve me?

b. The portal of possibility. In a notebook, draw a venn diagram, or two large circles that overlap. On the left side, write down a role you have that feels constructive, or roles that are practical and you currently have. On the right side, write down a role that energizes you and makes you feel excited and expansive. These can be roles you have already or imagine having. After writing these roles, below them, write some traits or qualities that apply to these roles. The space in the middle is your portal of possibility. Taking into consideration your roles on the left, how can those best be fertilized and brought forward in a new context? How can the roles on both sides intertwine creatively? Here is an example below to help you get started…

  • i. Left side: STUDENT/PROVIDER/HOMEMAKER (qualities: responsible, caring, relationships, stable, bills, etc.)

  • ii. Right side: POET/PHOTOGRAPHER/DANCER (qualities: creative, solo, wanderer, craft, beauty, etc.)

  • iii. Middle portal of possibility: BUSINESS, ARTIST, WONDER, FATHER, MOTHER, ETC.

6. Hope Facet Practices.

What is one meaningful goal you hope to reach in the next few months? Take a fifteen-minute walk and imagine yourself taking small steps each day toward your goal. This sensory stimulation is intended to spark your imagination. When you return home, write in detail what you see yourself actively doing. Additionally, acknowledge any obstacles that may come your way in detail, including thoughts or a mindset that may get in the way. Now think of your young genius traits (a few traits you have that serve you and are strengths) and how these traits can help you overcome those obstacles. Follow this plan and let your hopes guide your reality.

7. Connection Facet Practices.

a. Assess your biases. You can practice this every day when you encounter someone familiar or a stranger.

  • i. Notice when you meet someone for the first time. How do you judge them? How do you consciously or subconsciously size up their character, actions, and beliefs?

  • ii. Reflect on a recent interaction you had with someone you know well. How did you assume this person would act? How well did you listen? Like, really listen?

b. Bust your biases.

  • i. What are the physical reactions you experience when having these biased thoughts? This can look like tensing up, feeling it in your temples, neck, shoulders, and so on.

  • ii. Open up; don’t size up. When you notice these physical reactions, try stretching them out and relaxing. Remind yourself to stay open rather than drawing quick conclusions in your defensive part of the brain.

  • iii. Listen with your feet. While listening to someone speak, instead of trying to come up with what to say next, pay some attention to your feet. Shifting part of your awareness there can soften your attention and your defenses or biases a little more.

  • iv. Ask questions. Instead of coming to conclusions about what someone said or getting upset over it, try asking further questions to truly understand what they mean. Being genuinely curious and seeking understanding will help break down bias walls and deepen connections.

c. Practice a wonder talk. Choose someone you trust or are close to to practice this exercise for the first time. Later on, you can try this with someone you want to reestablish a connection with.

  • i. Sit very closely facing each other (one or two feet away). Sit in a relaxed and comfortable position. Decide who will speak first.

  • ii. Relax your body. Take some deep breaths, inhaling through your nose for four seconds and exhaling for six seconds. Recognize the space between you and acknowledge that Wonder is a third party here.

  • iii. Each person now thinks of a place where they felt awe or wonder. Remember with all your senses. What did it look like, smell like, feel like, etc.?

  • iv. The person who is speaking first now has three minutes to describe this scene. Use as much detail as you can. The listener sits quietly and receives.

  • v. Once the time is up, the listener can now ask questions. They do not relate their experience, analyze it, or interpret it. Ask questions that draw the speaker out even more. When complete, switch roles as speaker and listener and repeat.

  • vi. Lastly, reflect on the experience and express to each other how the experience felt to you.

8. Admiration Facet Practices.

a. Think of a person you admire. Maybe a teacher, coach, celebrity, professional basketball player, etc. Write a specific time you felt a positive feeling when observing this person in action or learning about something they did. What is one quality or action that you especially admire about them? How could this be reflected in what’s possible for you? How can you cultivate this attribute or quality in yourself? Explore all the possibilities.

b. Turn envy into pleasure. Think of someone you envy. What is the “that” they have? For example, when you think of this person, you may think to yourself, “Ah I wish I was like that.” What is it you desire? Then turn the mirror on yourself and see what traits you have within yourself to be more of your best genius self, rather than trying to be someone else. So then, when you encounter someone you envy, you can practice appreciation for them and extend a note of congratulations.

c. Recall who has admired you. Think back to a time when you received praise or appreciation for something. What did this person see in you specifically? Notice how you feel while recalling this memory. Let it be absorbed in you and motivate you to move forward.

9. Create a Wonder Zone.

This should be a zone that allows your young genius to come out. What motivates you, helps you to be creative, and helps you to dream? This should be separate from a work or get-it-done zone. Your get-it-done zone is meant to help you feel energized, focused (free of distractions), and confident as you work. Your dream or wonder zone is for creating ideas, feeling playful, and being open-minded. Lastly, if you are really up to it, you can create a reverie zone. This is a safe place to deliberately daydream and relax. Everyone has different things that will help them achieve what they want in these zones. Need some ideas on how you can get your wonder zone started? Have a blank wall where you can draw, write things down, and post notes on it. Map your ideas on this wall. Maybe have some Lego, playdough, or clay figures on a table to get your creative juices flowing. Have some books handy that help you feel wonder. Maybe have this area near a window to look outside. Having plants, pictures on walls, or anything else that is enjoyable to look at. Anything is possible in your wonder zone. Having both a wonder zone and a work zone will help you be more productive, creative, critically think, and problem solve.


  1. Learn to Linger

    Oftentimes people feel rushed and like they need to move on to the next thing. Take time to enjoy the moments you feel awe. Whether that is looking out at the sunset for 30 seconds longer or staying at the beach to soak in the waves crashing on the shore, linger longer than you normally would. It may help you embrace the awe inspiring moment.

  2. Slow Down and Be Still

    Similar to the previous practice, it is easy to feel busy and pressed for time. Make time to slow down! It sounds silly, but slowing down will have physiological effects on your brain and help you welcome moments of awe. Try walking slower down the street. Pause and have a moment of stillness in your home between daily chores. Take your time in a store and soak in everything you see. Simply noticing your breath at a stop light in the car will help you slow down. Anything that will welcome stillness and a slower pace should increase the potential for feeling awe in your life. There is always a chance to experience awe in THIS moment if you look out for it.

  3. Use Your Senses

    When was the last time you appreciated all five of your senses? Probably not in a while. Take a moment to marvel at the miraculous senses of the human body. Feeling in touch with your senses can help in feeling more alive. Try engaging in activities that help to increase or activate one of your senses. Here are some ideas to get you started.

    i. Touch: Go outside and feel the grass with your bare feet. Put your hand on a soft blanket or pillow. Feel your skin when you put lotion on. Feel the sand on the beach, or snow in the mountains. Pick up a rock, flower, or something else on a hike and see how it feels. Notice what you touch and what it feels like. How do your body and mind react?

    ii. Taste: Put a simple ingredient in your mouth and let it sit inside without chewing on it. What does that sensation feel like? Let it roll around and chew on it once. What flavors come out? Chew slowly and soak in each sensation. Finally swallow the piece of food and see what the aftertaste is like. This can be a pretzel, almond, raisin, piece of chocolate or any other simple food. Maybe try moving on to a more complicated dish. A piece of steak, a bite of salad, or a piece of cake. What does the mixture of ingredients taste like? Take your time to eat and enjoy.

    iii. Smell: Try to solidify what different things smell like and make a note of it. Your room, car, work space, school, sports field, gym, backyard, clothes, etc. What smells do you like and not like? What memories come up with different smells?

    iv. Sight: Try to look out your window more. Notice what details go on in your backyard, office view, or just the general outdoor area. Is there anything you haven’t noticed before, or something new outside today? Be intentional about visiting a new place where you can see new sights. Take the time to see the details. Pick out your favorite thing you see.

    v. Hear: Notice the sounds of people’s voices around you. Can you distinguish them? What does your favorite music sound like? Do you like the person’s singing voice or the instruments in the background? What does it sound like turning on a car, cooking on the stove, etc. Notice what things in your daily life sound like.

  4. Unplug

    One thing that makes awe hard to experience is distractions. Not being fully immersed in the moment can make it easy to let amazing experiences slip past you. Try to set aside some time each day to unplug and have your technological devices off – phone, ipad, computer, tv, etc. See if unplugging for a portion of the day makes a difference. This could mean not bringing a phone on a run outside, turning the tv off by a certain hour of the day, or writing down notes on a piece of paper rather than the computer. Another great option is to turn your phone off when you are talking to another person, see how it feels to not have the temptation of a phone in your hand while conversing. Make whatever adjustments necessary to unplug for a moment and be open to the world around you.

  5. Be in Nature

    a. Forest Bathing

    Forest bathing is an intentional practice of being in nature and allowing yourself to simply be (Paquette, 2020). You only need to focus on your senses, slow down, and simply be present with the nature around you. There is no summit to mount or destination to reach. Just enjoy the simplicity of being in nature.

    b. Awe in Mountains

    Climb or drive to a summit with an expansive view. Take time to sit at the top and embrace the moment. Think of the history that may have taken place here. The stories of people who have walked here before. What does it feel like looking out at the view? Note how you feel at the top.

    c. Awe at the Coast

    If you have the opportunity, go to a beach and look out at the ocean. Take in the vastness of the water. Think of the underwater world that exists with us on Earth. If you can’t go to the ocean, try going to a nearby river, lake, or reservoir. Immerse yourself in the water with other wildlife. See how this other world feels to be immersed in.

    d. Animals in Their Natural Habitat

    Take time to notice the animals around you. Bugs, birds, reptiles, and such all have unique qualities. Watch what they do in nature and simply observe. Although zoos and aquariums are fun, seeing animals in their natural habitat can be more awe-inducing. Whether you are on a hike, whale watching, or on a Safari tour in Africa, seek out an experience to see animals in their natural environment.

    e. Plan an Awe-Inspiring Trip

    Consider planning a trip that deliberately seeks out opportunities for awe in nature. A two week vacation, weekend getaway, or even a day trip can work. Certain places are filled with opportunities for awe that are hard to miss. The Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park, the Napali Coast, and many more are filled with awe inspiring nature, sights, and animals. Try changing the scenery around you and enjoy an awe-related getaway.

    f. The Clouds and Stars Above

    Take time to sit and notice the clouds or stars about you. The beautiful shapes, sizes, and colors floating in the sky above can be a wondrous sight. Does the sunlight reflect on the clouds? Do the stars paint a certain picture? Do the clouds look like a certain animal? Think of how many other people in the world may be looking at the same sight as you. Immerse yourself in the moment.

    g. The Rising or Setting Sun

    Push yourself to wake up early enough to see the sunrise. How does it feel to be awake before most other people? Is it quiet outside? Go to a place where you can see the sun fully rise and illuminate the sky with its warm rays. See the sky change colors as the sun rises. Similarly go to a spot where you can see the sun set. What colors reflect off the clouds in the sky? If you have the chance to be on a coast or an island, take advantage of seeing the sun set on the ocean.

  6. Awe from Vastness

    a. Awe from Above

    If you are on a flight try to sit next to a window to look down on the earth below. Any high place can suffice, such as a tall skyscraper, hot air balloon, or airplane. Looking down below and getting a new perspective on the Earth we live in can be an awe-inducing experience.

    b. The Overview Effect

    Viewing the Earth from Space is one of the most extreme ways to feel awe. Because most humans will never get that chance, try looking at images or videos of the Earth from Space. Many astronauts describe this specific feeling of awe as the “overview effect” because of the way it shapes their perspective on life (Paquette, 2020). A Russian astronaut, Sigmund Jahn, remarked that “only when [he] saw the earth from space, in all its ineffable beauty and fragility, did [he] realize that humankind’s most urgent task is to cherish and preserve it for future generations” (Yaden et al., 2016). To see a video on the overview effect, go to this link. You can also see great images of space and Earth from NASA’s website here.

    c. Musical Vastness

    Music can be powerful for inducing transcendent feelings like awe and wonder. Find a song or genre that you enjoy and make time to simply listen, becoming immersed in experiencing the feelings the music brings you. Think about the time and creative energy that went into creating the song and how amazing it is that you are able to listen to it—whether that’s through a live performance or streamed in your headphones. Music can also encourage connection between people, especially when we move and dance together, which also can bring feelings of awe.

  7. Awe Through Habit

    a. Relive Moments of Awe

    Take five or ten minutes to sit down, close your eyes, and recall a moment of awe you have felt in your life. It can be something simple or small, but take the time to remember all the details of the scene. How does it make your body feel? Once you have captured the feeling of awe in your mind, allow your body to linger in it and enjoy feeling awestruck.

    b. Take the Scenic Route

    Whatever your daily commute consists of, try taking a new route home. Whether it means driving by a different park, walking a different way to the train station, or whatever it may be, try taking a new route where you can enjoy new scenery. Even taking the time to pull over at a beautiful spot to sit in a wondrous place is helpful. Give yourself 5-10 extra minutes to commute to try this scenic route. Breaking the normal routine to something new and unexpected can bring many chances for experiencing awe.

    c. Watch Something Awe-Inspiring

    Take the time to watch a movie or tv episode that is awe-inspiring to you. It can be National Geographic clips, an amazing story of an athlete defying the odds, an inspiring account of human goodness, or anything else that helps you feel awe. Shows like Planet Earth or the movie Free Solo can be some good places to start.

    d. Capture Moments of Awe

    Try making an album of photos that make you feel awe. Whether it is the image or the memory of the experience, put all these images in a place where you can reflect on them from time to time. Try hanging one up on a wall or a desk where you can be reminded of this awe-inspiring scene from time to time. e. Awe Journaling i. Try setting aside time daily or weekly to journal about some experiences you’ve had where you felt awe. What was happening? What did you see, hear, smell, touch, or taste? Be as detailed as possible. Once you are done journaling the experience, read back what you just wrote and allow the feeling of awe to sink into your being.

    e. Awe Journaling

    Try setting aside time daily or weekly to journal about some experiences you’ve had where you felt awe. What was happening? What did you see, hear, smell, touch, or taste? Be as detailed as possible. Once you are done journaling the experience, read back what you just wrote and allow the feeling of awe to sink into your being.

  8. Awe Through Social Connection

    a. Awe Bonding

    Try any of the above activities with a friend or loved one. Experiencing something awe-inspiring with another person may bring about different feelings than if you were alone. What does it feel like to be awe-inspired with other people? Discuss the awe moment shared together and see how you both felt? Were they experiencing the same feelings as you? Did they have a moment of clarity or peace? Connect with those around you by sharing the awe-filled moment in time.

    b. Connect with Someone New

    While out and about, we often come across strangers or acquaintances, and these moments can be opportunities to connect and feel awe. You might try pausing while waiting in line to notice the people around you. Try making eye contact or smiling at someone, taking just a moment to feel grateful for the opportunity to share time with other human beings. Notice the kind actions and moral beauty of the people you cross paths with throughout the day. Give yourself time to reflect and experience awe.