“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Personal Growth Experiment:
Use your journal or the Well-Being Strategies Tracker Form to keep track of your efforts.
Week 1:
Each day for the next 7 days, spend 20-30 minutes experimenting with some of the questions and exercises in the previous section for reflecting on and defining your purpose (or come up with your own strategy/questions).
Record your thoughts and notes about your purpose in a separate, secure place that you can access quickly and frequently (e.g., on a Google doc or note on your smartphone).
By the end of Week 1, you should have a working draft of your written purpose (remember, this isn't set in stone; just a starting point that captures the essence of what you want your life to be about). Moving forward, you can continue to revise this draft whenever you feel inclined to do so.
Weeks 2 and 3:
At the start of the week, review your written purpose statement and deliberately plan at least one activity that contributes to your purpose. This is the most important thing you must do this week! Record what you did in your journal or in the Well-Being Strategies Tracker Form.
Throughout the week, look for ways that your actions and activities may contribute to your purpose. Are there small/simple changes you could make to your daily activities and obligations that would contribute to your purpose? Give yourself a mental "pat on the back" whenever you notice yourself doing something in line with your purpose. In that moment you are being your best self!
Each day during weeks 2 and 3, spend at least 20 minutes learning more about purpose. Explore the resources in the following section, watch TED talks on purpose, read articles, and/or choose a book on purpose to expand your understanding. You may also use this time to continue to make refinements to your written purpose.
At the end of Week 3, go back and re-take the Purpose Questionnaire to see how you're doing!
Finally, moving forward, make a plan for how you will continue to stay connected to your purpose and to live it. Consider establishing the habit of reviewing your purpose at the beginning of each week, and planning specific ways you will live your purpose during that week.
Consider sharing what has worked for you here: https://www.facebook.com/mybestself101/. Your experiences may help others!