
The Nuclear Waste That is Toxic Positivity

The Nuclear Waste That is Toxic Positivity

How often do you hear phrases like “it could be worse” or “look on the bright side,” and yet somehow you feel worse? Although well-intentioned, phrases like these and many others can do more harm than good. Toxic positivity is the belief that no matter the circumstances, difficult or dire, all people should maintain a positive outlook and mindset. This mindset rejects all hard emotions to ensure a cheerful day and often a false facade. This kind of forced positivity is almost a compulsion to view life as a series of positive events, followed by being hopeful about the positive times to come. However, no matter how well-intended this idea is, people soon realize that life is not always rainbows and butterflies. Just like two positives make a negative — This form of forced positivity denies reality and is not helpful (Tiffany, 2023). Leaning towards a form of toxicity.

Cultivating Hope

Cultivating Hope

Have you been in as what has seemed to be the darkest of nights, a night so dark that the sun never seems like it is going rise? Deep down, however, was there a part of you that knew the sun was going to rise and that the night would end? I am willing to bet that even in the darkest moments, there are parts of us that know the sun will shine again. I am also willing to bet that hope is what got you through those dark nights. If you are in your own dark night now, hold on. It is much easier said than done, but have hope. If you are wondering how to have hope, this post will describe ways to have hope.

Mastering the Stage in Your Mind

Mastering the Stage in Your Mind

Our mind is like a stage. Thoughts come and go every second of every day, and as directors of the entertainment, we get to decide which thoughts deserve the spotlight and which ones don’t. As we put the spotlight on more deserving thoughts, we’ll be able to emulate greater happiness in a world that might feel as though there aren’t many things to be happy about.