
The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

Most people around the world are raised on the notion that they should always forgive others. However, what does this truly mean? As a child I felt like I generally understood the concept of forgiveness. I would “not hold grudges” or “stay upset for too long” when it seemed like someone upset me, but I feel like I never had a severe experience of when I felt like it was difficult to forgive someone who I felt really wronged me until a couple of years ago. This is when the principles of true forgiveness aided me to not only forgive another person but also helped me feel whole and more content with my state of life. According to the Greater Good Magazine, “forgiveness is a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness” (Greater Good Magazine). The interesting key to this definition is forgiving another person whether they deserve forgiveness.

Vulnerability- A Skill of Emotional Intelligence

Vulnerability- A Skill of Emotional Intelligence

I’ll get real with you. I’m not who I wish everyone thought I was. Confident, strong, unfazed by life’s difficulties, and courageous even, in spite of challenges! Positive in droves to the point where if I could wear the color yellow without it drowning out my light skin, I could sell it to painters and animation studios! And last but not least, cheerful and optimistic despite my life’s circumstances, always grateful and service with a smile!