
The Art of Perseverance: Overcoming Life's Challenges

The Art of Perseverance: Overcoming Life's Challenges

At one point or another, we have probably all been told not to give up on something, whether it be a homework assignment, a challenging workout, or something as big as a career. We have also probably responded to such encouragement in different ways depending on the circumstance; perhaps one day, we are eager to push through a challenge, and another day, we might forgo a challenge in favor of comfort. However, when we abandon the easy route and do persevere through something that is hard for us, we feel rewarded at the end. Today, I want to explore perseverance and its rewards in more depth. 

Two Ways to Become More Gritty

Two Ways to Become More Gritty

Innate intelligence and talent can’t be sole predictors of success because skill-building effort is required—which is great news! You can’t change your genetics, but you do have power over the effort you put into learning and accomplishing. Being successful and achieving your potential in life requires the exertion of your own will and energy.