
Rediscovering Awe through Connection

Rediscovering Awe through Connection

We often think of awe as a solitary experience when witnessing a beautiful sight. It absolutely can be. However, awe can also be very powerful when experienced with others (Graziosi & Yaden, 2021).  When I think of awe experiences that I’ve had through social interactions, various blurs of uncontrollable laughs shared with friends come to mind, along with eye-opening moments from small group discussions or that hair-raising connection felt at large gatherings. One experience from a few years ago particularly stands out, though, in the way it has impacted me since.  

It was a sunny December day, and I was sitting behind the desk at work, unsuspecting of anything other than a normal Tuesday. I began chatting with a coworker seated next to me, mostly about our plans for the upcoming year and difficult career decisions my coworker was working through. Hoping to shift the conversation to something more encouraging, I asked him if there was anything fun and not stressful going on in his life.  

Savoring: Embracing The Goodness That Comes Your Way

Savoring: Embracing The Goodness That Comes Your Way

At the end of the day, do you ever have a hard time thinking about what went well for you? Because life can be hard and unpredictable, it’s easy to dwell on what goes wrong within a day. As humans, we have something called a negativity bias. This hinders our recollection of positive experiences, which, according to research, seem to actually occur 3 times more frequently than negative experiences. The good news is that we can apply something called savoring . From the MBS 101 savoring module, “savoring involves mindful awareness of positive experiences to prolong and amplify their value.”

Are You Present in Every Moment?

Are You Present in Every Moment?

Mindfulness is more than sitting in a dark room and breathing with your eyes closed. Mindfulness is the quality of our moment to moment awareness. Now, don’t get me wrong, this quality of awareness needs to be cultivated! It’s not going to just pop up willy nilly because you decided you wanted it to! It all starts with a few minutes of focused attention each day.